Malaria in Kruger National Park

31 May 2017
31 May 2017

Kruger National Park (KNP) management issued a media release on 17 May 2017 warning travellers to the park to take appropriate malaria precautions, in light of the recent good rains. They state that there have been cases of malaria reported, especially in the northern regions of the park.

The advice itself has not changed, but KNP obviously felt it was prudent to remind travellers of the risk. Visitors are advised to take chemoprophylaxis during the months of September to end May (atovaquone/proguanil, doxycycline or mefloquine) in addition to using non-drug measures throughout the year.

Non-drug measures include use of insect repellents, mosquito nets, avoidance of perfumes and aftershaves, and wearing of appropriate long-sleeved clothing and trousers between dusk and dawn especially when sitting outside. Fans and air-conditioning also help to keep the mosquitoes away.