Malanil paediatric stock challenges

There is an imminent stockout of the only medicine for the prevention of malaria in toddlers and young children in South Africa, as stocks will expire by end July 2023. Please see the full press release on the South African Society of Travel Medicine website and consider the following points:
- The currently marketed adult tablets containing atovaquone-proguanil are film-coated and unscored. They are therefore not suitable for dividing, especially into quarters.
- If, however, half tablet doses are required, it may be possible to achieve a clean break using a tablet cutter.
- Atovaquone is poorly water soluble, so dissolving the adult tablet and administering an aliquot is also not feasible. There is a risk that the proguanil would be in solution, but the atovaquone would not be dissolved and dosing would be inaccurate.